A theme party featuring Valentines Day party supplies including printable games, balloons, invitations, favors, plates, decorations, centerpieces, tablecloths, pinatas, and more for Valentines Day
parties. This Valentine’s Day prepare with much time and get many party supplies and lovely decorations. Have red rose pedals, candles, chocolates and a personalized imprinted Love card. Decorate the card with red ribbon and write a very special message to that important someone in your life. Go here for Valentines Day Party Supplies
 Printable Valentines Day Party Games
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Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is here to stay. Valentine’s Day is a special occasion because it gives people the opportunity to show their affection and love for someone. V-day party supplies include tableware items such as plates, forks, knives, spoons, napkins, balloons, heart-shaped cut outs, banners, and curling ribbon for starters.
For a Valentine’s Day dance, more items are needed such as punch bowls, candles, picture taking screens, and streamers.
For teachers or parents, Valentine’s Day printable games will keep the kiddies entertained on that day. A Valentine’s Day theme bingo and dominos are a nice choice along with word games such as scramble, word find, and word search.
There are many Valentine’s Day party games and activities for children, which include Pin the Heart on Cupid, Valentine Day Heart Hunt, Valentine Memory game, Hugs & Kisses Candy Jar Game, and Valentine’s Day Pictionary. These games are easy to play and will keep children and adults entertained and in the Valentine’s mood all day long.
Pin the Heart on Cupid and Valentine’s Day Pictionary is self-explanatory. Valentine Day Heart Hunt is similar to an Easter egg hunt. Valentine Memory Game requires the purchase of heart shaped candies with text. Lay the candies face down and ask the kids to match the candies.
Hugs & Kisses Candy Jar Game is very simple. Place a number of candies in a jar and have each child guess how many are in the jar.