Easter Party Games
Walk Race
Have the kids line up at the Start Line, squat down and grasp their
ankles with
each hand from behind. On GO, they waddle to a designated Finish Line.
can't let go of their ankles or the are disqualified. The first child
over the
Jelly Bean Easter Egg Hunt
For younger children, put down different colored jelly beans or small
eggs for them to follow. At the end would be an Easter basket filled
with a bunch of Easter goodies.
Take three eggs and hard-boil one and leave two raw. Put them in a
have someone pick one out and smash it over their head. If they get the
hardboiled one out of three people, they get a prize.
Bunny Word Scramble
Give each person a pencil and paper with the words "Easter Bunny"
written at the top. They must then write down as many words
as they can think of that can be made using the letters contained in
the words "Easter bunny". The person who can think of the
most words wins a prize; you can also have prizes for the most unusual
words, the least words, the most original words, etc.
Egg Hunt
Hide plastic eggs with numbers in them, ranging from maybe 1 to 5 then,
the children to how many they can find, like maybe 6 or something, then
. . .
after they're all found, total up the numbers that are in their eggs
and the one
with the highest number wins a prize. I'm going to have plastic eggs
with candy
in them too, so that everybody will end up with something.
Easter Egg Bowling Match
Paint hard boiled eggs different colors and give a different color to
each kid. Leave one egg unpainted and roll that egg across
the floor. The kids have to roll their eggs and the one who's
egg is rolled closest to the white one wins that round. At this time
they can either win a small prize or points can be counted and then
prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes.
Egg Hunt
Take 5 to10 eggs and hide them inside for kids to find. The kid who has
eggs at the end wins.
Candy Toss
Take a piece of red construction paper and draw 3
circles in the middle of the paper. Make the circles three different
sizes so it resembles a bull's eye (the size of the circles will depend
on the age of the kids, the older the kids the smaller the circle).
Color each circle a different color and write in different point values
for each circle.
the kids each throw a different kind of candy (maybe different colors
of Easter eggs or jelly beans).
prizes depending on which circle the child's candy lands on. The one
who lands on the bull's eye in the middle would get an extra-special
Egg Hunt
Is rain going to ruin your Easter egg hunt? Just hide jelly beans
inside the
house and have your adults or kids hunt for them. Depending on the age
of the
participants you can make the hunt easy or hard. Ever try and see a
black jelly
bean on a black object? Have fun!!
Egg Hunt
Have the kids take at least five eggs each and hide them around
the house. When they are done hiding them, the parents could
look for
Egg Hunt
When the kids get up
Easter morning, have a clue on the table. That's where they
start. It will be several clues hid. At the end of the hunt I have them
a giant
egg with candy and of course money a teenager's favorite thing. It will
be a
long and hard look so it will take a little time. If it's too easy it
won't be
any fun. For example the first clue will be a poem letting them know
the next
clue is in the mailbox.
Golden Easter Egg Hunt
Have the
kids decorate their own Easter baskets, each using a
different color. They are then told that the eggs they will be looking
for must
be the same color as their baskets (they aren't to touch the other
colors). This
makes it easier for smaller children as the eggs can be out in plain
view where
the older the kids the harder they have to search for their Easter eggs.
You can also hide one (or more) gold egg which
contains a special prize. The prize can be anything you'd like (place
inside the egg or they can redeem the golden egg for a special prize).
Guessing Game
Every year I take a jar filled with various types of Easter eggs, jelly
malted, chocolate etc. I count them as I fill the jar add a $5 bill at
the top
and tape it shut. I leave a piece of paper next to the jar and everyone
how many are in the jar...even grandma & grandpa. The person
who is the
closest without going over is the winner. They win the jar, eggs and
the $5. Fun
for all.
Egg Roll
The ideas of this is to have the kids roll the eggs using only their
noses. The
first one over the finish line wins a prize..
Flashlight Egg Hunt
Have each kid bring their own flashlight from home. The Easter egg hunt
is done
when it's dark. This can be done indoors or outside.
Paint one side of the egg a color, or even a shape. Hide it
in the
grass, with the color side facing the ground. Players have to
remember what
color is where, just like the game memory (sometimes called
Relay Race
The way you play this game is to have at least 15 kids and/or
adults. If
you were playing with 15 people you would need 5 hard-boiled eggs
because there
are 3 people on a team and you get the point. Put the egg on
the spoon and
run with it to the next person in the line (you need to put the three
people in
a line about 10 to 15 feet apart.) If you drop the egg then you have to
go back
to YOUR starting point and run with it again.
Whoever wins gets the desired prize of the person who is responsible
for holding
the race. There are first, second, and third places. I've played this
at my school
since second grade, I'm in sixth now, and it's been more delightful
every time I
play it!!
Each year I have an Easter egg hunt for the smaller kids in the family.
In order
to keep things some what fair...I hide dozens of plastic eggs empty.
Once the
kids find all the eggs they turn them in for a special bag of goodies.
doesn't matter how many or how few of eggs the kids find...they all get
the same
amount of goodies. This really prevents them from getting upset at the
end of
the hunt if a cousin happens to find more eggs than another because
they all
know they will still get the same amount of treats. .
Here is another Easter game my children love. We also do this at our
church's children's
egg hunt. Mark off a start and stop point anywhere from 5 to 10 feet
apart. Using a hard boiled egg ( can be decorated or plain) have the
kids down
on hands and knees. Roll the egg across the floor using only there
noses. The
first one to the finish line without touching the egg with their hands
is the
grand champion nose roller.
Egg Hunt
We have an Easter Egg Hunt in the dark with flashlights for adults.
We have been doing it for the past five years and it's a blast!
Each year my family hosts a GIANT Easter egg hunt for the children at
church. Since ages range from toddlers to 5th or 6th grade we have come
up with
a way that is fair for all. Each child is asked to bring 12 plastic
Easter eggs
filled with goodies. After the eggs are hidden, the children are told
that when
they've found 12, to come sit down until everyone has found that many.
When all
the children have found that amount, we send them out to find the rest
(I always
provide about 50 extra.) The kids have a great time and everyone goes
the Egg
You might have heard of "capture the flag" this is just the Easter
version. Divide a group of kids into two groups. Each team has four
eggs. They place the eggs on the ground in a row and then run to the
other teams side and
try to take there eggs back to their side without getting touched.
If they do get touched they have to stand still until one of their
teammates can
free them by touching them on the shoulder.
Fun Hunt
First you paint however many eggs you want to then leave one blank [ no
paint on
it] and not boiled then who ever finds it has to pass it back and forth
to every
body. you don't pass it in a circle the person who finds it has to pass
to one
person then back to him or her then pass it to someone else that's my
Easter game!
Egg Hunt
Every other year I have an Easter Egg hunt at my Grandma's house. Every
who comes to her house for Easter has their own special spot to find
eggs. I usually
have to look at a nearby park. Some of my cousins have to search one of
the neighbors yards. Then we come into the house and count the money
hidden in the eggs!! Sometimes their are sheets of paper that you can
hand in
for a gift!
Egg Money Hunt
All you do is paint eggs so they look like money then you hid them and
people find them like an Easter egg hunt and after they find them they
them in for prizes.
Every year my mother has a basket for each of us and to keep people
from taking
eggs that aren't theirs my mom has a different color for each of us to
find. Egg.
yellow for my sister, green for my brother. And because I don't like
chocolate my mom hides candy caramels instead! It works and there is
never a
fight. Besides you can trade hints about where a sibling saw one of
your eggs so
you don't get stuck.
Hat Parade
Give everyone a white baseball cap (can be found at any craft store)
Give many
materials such as ribbon, elastic, colored fabric, etc...... then,
after they're
done have them walk in a sort of parade to show off their Easter hats
*Optional-have judges to pick winners such as prettiest, scariest, most
and so on.
Pick a person to be it and everybody hops around ....if you run your
it. Have fun this Easter.
Easter Egg
One of the best egg hunts my kids will tell anyone about is when mom
hides one
glittery gold Easter egg with a dollar in it. The kids had fun. It was
expensive and the winner of the golden egg is a real delight. I always
tell my
kids that the younger ones get the eggs in plain view and the older
ones must
look harder. They also have a limit to how many they can find this way
all get
their fair share.
Bunny, Hop....
This game is just like duck duck goose, with 2 changes.
1. Obviously, the words change to "bunny" as you tap each child, and
"hop" when one child is selected.
2. Instead of running around the circle, players hop with their feet
We found these results to be more fun than duck duck goose. When you
start with
a great original game which kids already know and like, it doesn't take
much to
explain the new rules and see their excitement soar!
As a Kindergarten teacher I use this game for all holidays.
Depending on the number of children it takes 10-20 minutes.
For Halloween I print the children's names on pumpkins and hide the
pumpkins all
around the room. I give them one with their name printed on it for them
to use
as a model. Early in the school year this is enough of a
challenge! At Christmas I do it again using trees or stars.
This time I give them a letter
and they have to find five more that match. Sometimes I give them the
lower case
and they have to find the upper case matches. For Valentine's
Day I give them 2 and 3 digit numbers in varying sequences. I
always give them one as a reference and they have to find the others to
By Easter they are really good at how to play the game. I hide egg
shaped paper
with letters all over the room. On the egg that I give them for
reference it has
one word e.g. Spring or Easter. They have to find the six letters that
Spring and put them in the correct order. I have also used this for a
unit on
spiders where they find the letters to spell spider.
I have always found that they love this game and have even used it for
nephew's birthday parties. When hiding 42 sets of letters for my double
Kindergarten class, I make piles of complete class sets to hide so I
don't end
up hiding all one child's eggs at one end of the room. After they have
shown me
their complete set they help a friend to find theirs. Give it
a try! It works, it's fun, it's educational and it works off excess
energy on special days!
No Easter games can be complete without a round of egg toss.
People pair-off and face each other at a starting line. each pair is
given one
egg. An official blows a whistles (or shouts some appropriate term),
and each
person takes a large step backwards. The person in each pair with the
egg tosses
it to the person without. When all couples have completed their toss,
official signals for a second round and the process repeats (large step
backward, toss, pause, etc, etc).
If a couple does not successfully complete its toss, and the egg has
not broken,
they return to the starting line. If it breaks, they're out. The couple
left in the end (presumably far away from the starting line) wins.
Use raw eggs for maximum excitement. Game is best with at least five
Dye 10 eggs. Then boil for seven minutes. The person who cracks and
eats the most
Egg Hunt
I love Easter Egg Hunts! The only problem is that usually one kid gets
a ton of
candy and some kids hardly get any. I think it should be fun for
My sister in-law has a great idea that really works. She puts out an
number of eggs for each participant, with their names written on them.
This way
nobody has to run over others grabbing in that traditional "greediest"
I am trying something new this year with the hunt at our church. We are
explaining that Jesus Christ gave his life, and Easter can be a time of
giving--so in our hunt we will tell the children to find a treat for
their own
basket, then find one for someone else. This will repeat itself until
the hunt
is over. I have also gone to a hunt where a few adults with bags of
candy walked
around sneaking candy into empty baskets.
Egg Hunt
An adult can hide chocolate eggs in grass. Then, the children have to
find them.
The child who finds a chocolate egg with a number or sticker on it wins
a prize.
Also, whoever finds the most eggs gets a prize too.
Purchase plastic Easter eggs and put numbers in them. Each number
correspond to a gift for the Adults. Have the children hide the plastic
eggs for
their Parents.
Plastic eggs with numbers can also be hidden by the parents for the
with numbers that correspond to children's prizes.
Put plastic ducks in water and the children pull out a duck and get the
associated with that duck. You could put numbers or shapes on the
bottom of the
Each child is given the name of an animal with three children having
the same
name. No one is allowed to tell another which animal he is. At the
signal each
child makes the noise of the animal that he has been given. The first
group of
three animals to find each other and sit down are the winners.
Put an egg (can also use a marshmallow) on a spoon and walking across
an area;
make an obstacle course if you like. Can also play where you have to
pass it to
a partner to go back to the beginning is fun. If the egg is dropped,
you have to
start over. Grown ups have to put the spoon in their mouths.
You can also play hide and seek: all of the people who are hiding must
an object on a spoon as they dash for a hiding spot. If it falls,
that's where
they have to hide.
The players form two lines with equal numbers on each team. The first
animal on
each team is an animal, the second a different animal. On the word
the first person acts like the animal they represent, run, hop or crawl
to a
given place and back. The next person then acts like their animals and
so on
until one team is finished and sitting down. Use animals such as
bunnies, dogs, cats etc... Bean Bag Relays - Walk/run/hop with bag on
head/between knees/between feet. Leap Frog - Well...... You know.
Players line up on a start line. At the signal, they must all bend over
grasp their ankles. The first one to waddle to the finish line without
go of their ankles, wins.
always fun to watch the kids hunt for Easter Eggs but have
you ever saw a bunch of adults act like children. Or should I say have
as much
fun. My mom started this a few years back and boy do we ever look
forward now
more so for Easter. Except what the meaning really is. Anyway she puts
into the plastic eggs, anywhere from a couple dollars up to five or
ten. Then
her and dad go hide them. Let the adults go and watch them act as
Egg Rolling
Find a hill, pick a colored egg, and roll them down the hill. The egg
the base of the hill first is the winner. This game is played on the
South Lawn
at the White House from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the first Monday
after Easter.
Egg Bowling
Color some boiled eggs and leave one white. Roll the white one into the
center of a room and take turns to see who can roll their egg closest
to the white
egg. Egg and Spoon Races
Eggs, spoons and an area to run are all you need for this game.
Variations could
include relays and obstacle courses. To make it easy for younger kids,
something on the spoon to make the egg stick.
for All Easter Egg Hunt
To make Easter egg hunts fun for ALL the kids, have eggs painted a
certain color
for each child. At the start of the hunt, give each child a different
egg for their basket. Tell them this is the color that they're supposed
to hunt
for (any other colors don't count) and also the number of eggs that are
The first child to find all their eggs wins a special prize. The prizes
can be
anything from chocolate Easter eggs or bunnies, to Easter baskets, or
your Name Easter Egg Hunt
Write the name of each child on an egg. The person that finds their own
wins a prize.
Easter Bunny Tag
This game is played the same way as tag except that the players must
hop; if a player stops hopping for any reason, they are automatically
Easter Egg Toss
Pair off the kids facing each other. The object of the game is
to have the kids toss an egg back and forth, moving farther away from
each other
after each toss. The first one to drop the egg is disqualified. The
winning team
would receive a prize.
younger kids you can use plastic eggs or even hard-boiled
eggs. For older kids, use fresh eggs. This can be hilarious
rather messy so be sure the kids are properly dressed for the occasion.
Easter Egg Memory Hunt Game
Take pairs of Easter eggs and paint only one side
of each pair the same color (leave the other side unpainted).
Place the Easter eggs, painted side down, and
have the kids search for the eggs. When they find an egg they must
leave it
behind and search for the egg's mate before they can go back and pick
up the
other matching egg (that is if they can remember where that color egg
the Tail on the Easter Bunny
The same idea as "pin the tail on the donkey". Have the kids
draw a picture of the Easter bunny on white construction paper; have
them color the picture. Decide which child will go first and
then blindfold him. Give him a cotton ball to be pinned onto the Easter
bunny (for small children use tape instead of a pin).
him around three times and let him go at it. Once he pins the
cotton ball on the bunny make a small circle in a special colored
crayon to tell whereabouts on the bunny his tail got pinned. he pinned
(a different color for each child). The next child then has a
turn, etc.
the last child has had their turn that's when the colored crayons will
show who pinned the tail where.
child who pinned his tail the closest to the Easter bunny's real tail
gets a prize. You can also offer prizes to the one who pinned the tail
closest to his nose, ears, paws, etc... (everyone's a winner so there's
no hard feelings).
the Easter Egg
Line up in teams. The first person places an Easter egg under
his chin (depending on the age of the child this Easter egg can be
plastic or a real Easter egg (whether hard boiled or raw would depend
totally on the age group; a raw egg would be funny but messy);
must then pass the Easter egg to the next person in line.
They must then try to grab the Easter egg using only their
chins. If the egg drops, they must start over at the
beginning. If the person touches the egg with their hands,
they would just put it back under their chin and continue on.
The first team to get the Easter egg all the way to the last person in
line is the winner.