A theme party featuring Thor: The Mighty Avenger party supplies including printable games, balloons, invitations, favors, plates, decorations, centerpieces, tablecloths, pinatas, and more for Thor: The Mighty Avenger
parties. Preparing for that upcoming Thor: The Mighty Avenger will not only be a breeze it will be fun to plan and gather all your items. Gather a list before you head out to do all your shopping. You must always have a budget in mind, and also a visual as to what you want the event to look on the final day. Go here for Thor: The Mighty Avenger Party Supplies
 Printable Kids Picnic Games
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Party supplies, printable games, activities and party games will make a Thor themed party truly amazing. Party supplies should consist of various blue and red (Thor’s primary colors) tableware items such as paper plates, cups, napkins, and cuttery. Use a vibrant red tablecloth representing Thor’s cape. Thor’s main weapon is his War hammer so decorate the party with inflatable War hammer’s. When the party is over, give the War hammer’s to the children as party favors.
Activities and party games for a Thor themed party include a porridge eating contest. Have children eat bowls of porridge, which parental supervision, and see who can eat the most in a designated time period. Porridge is a favorite among the Norse people; therefore, a porridge eating contest is suitable for a Thor themed party.
Other activities and party games include an Thor trivia. Test the knowledge of party guests by giving them trivia questions will determine who the biggest Thor fan is. Keep in mind, young children should receive relatively easy questions that they can answer respectively. Award party favors such as Thor toys and coloring books to all winners.
In addition to trivia games, other activities and party games include custom Viking helmets and war hammers. A simple Viking helmet can be made from a bowl with brown and gold construction paper and newspaper for the horns. A War hammer is made by using wrapping paper roll (for the handle), poster paints, and a small box in the shape of a War hammer sledge.