A theme party featuring Disney Cars party supplies including printable games, balloons, invitations, favors, plates, decorations, centerpieces, tablecloths, pinatas, and more for Disney Cars
parties. You can plan a Disney Cars theme party celebration in no time. There are a lot of party supplies, and games one can offer to the guests. You can plan trivia games, hit the piñata contest, sing karaoke, and of course reward the participants at the end of the game playing. Go here for Disney Cars Party Supplies
 Printable Kids Picnic Games
Instant Fun, Just Add Paper!
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Celebrate a child’s birthday by throwing Disney Car themed party with various party supplies, printable games, activities and party games. Disney Cars party supplies include everything from paper plates, cups, napkins, forks, knives, balloons, cake and cupcake toppers, piñata, banners, centerpiece, and stickers. Disney cars printable games include word search games and coloring pages.
Disney Cars activities and party games make for a great way for children to interact with each other during the party. The Traffic Light Game consists of players The it person stands at one end of the playing field, with the rest of the players at the other end. The it person turns their back to the others and calls out Green light! The players then run as fast as they can towards the it player. At any time, the it player can face the players, calling out Red light, and the others must freeze in place. Anyone who fails to stop, they are out or must return to the starting line.
Other Disney activities and party games include Who Am I?. This game is relatively simple to perfom. Prepare index cards for each child using pictures of the Cars characters, or write the names. Attach one picture to each card having the children forma circle. Tape a card to each of their backs. On the mark,
players look at each other’s cards and give clues until every player has guessed who's on their card.