50s Sock Hop
Party Supplies
Enjoy this party game fitted to the 50s Sock Hop party theme:
SNOW SLIP: This game will help you "to warm-up" shy people. As the music plays, one pair begins to dance. At the instructor's signal this pair splits up and asks 2 more partners to dance. Again, at the next instructor's signal these 2 pairs break and ask to 4 more partners to dance etc. The number of dancing pairs grows like a snow-slip.
And, here is another 50s Sock Hop party idea:
STUCK IN THE MUD: One person is 'IT' and has to run round touching as many people as they can. When they have touched someone, that person has to stop and stand with their legs apart and their hands out stretched, until someone crawls through their legs. If you've been caught three times, then you are out. The game ends when everyone left is standing still.
Dancing 50's music with a disc jockey to organize some party games will bring to life a 50's theme party. Photos of famous singers and actors of the 50's and inflatable guitars are fun decorations. The 50's was a time when kids started a culture of their own by thinking out of the box.
A theme party featuring 50s Sock Hop with party games altered to fit the 50s Sock Hop party
makes the event stay tied together. Go here for 50s Sock Hop Party Supplies.
50s Sock Hop Party Supplies
come in colorful themes with a nice selection of 50s Sock Hop
Decorations. Sock hop with jeans, t-shirts and poodle skirts are fitting costumes at a 50's theme party.
Get ideas for 50s Sock Hop Party
to create a magical time at your event. Have personalized party favors to
make the memory lasting. 50s Sock Hop Party Supplies
include pinatas, favors, centerpieces and more clever types 50s Sock Hop Party
Theme Ideas.
50s Sock Hop Coloring Pages
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