Party Supplies
Enjoy this party game fitted to the Luau party theme:
PASS THE TROPICAL MANGO: Arrange for teams of about 8 to stand in a line, one behind the other (arranged boy, girl, boy,...). Give each team a mango which the first person should tuck under his chin. This should be passed to the person behind. When the tropical mango gets to the last person, they come to the front of the line and start again. The winning team is the first one which gets their starting person to the front again. More luau party games.
And, here is another Luau party idea:
FIND YOUR OWN PEOPLE: Cards with different pictures are cut into 4-5 parts. The teams must find their own people. Or cut the cards into 2-3 parts. One part is given to the girl, 2 other parts are given to the boys. The boy who finds the girl first asks her for a dance. More luau party games.
Go Hawaiian all the way with hula lessons at a Luau theme party. Hawaiian music with ukulele lessons is also a special way to have a Luau theme party. Grass skirts, Hawaiian print shirts bring the guests into the mood and feel of a real Hawaiian Luau party.
A theme party featuring Luau with party games altered to fit the Luau party
makes the event stay tied together. Go here for Luau Party Supplies.
Luau Party Supplies
come in colorful themes with a nice selection of Luau
Decorations. Aloha, limbo, and leis with a cooked pig adds to a fabulous time at a Luau party.
Get ideas for Luau Party
to create a magical time at your event. Have personalized party favors to
make the memory lasting. Luau Party Supplies
include pinatas, favors, centerpieces and more clever types Luau Party
Theme Ideas.
Luau Coloring Pages
Seasonal Party Games:
Halloween Party Games