Party Supplies
Enjoy this party game fitted to the Construction party theme:
LAND, WATER: This is a game for attentive players. On hearing the word "land" the players jump forward, on hearing the word "water" backward. Then the word "land" is suddenly changed into "bank". The actions of the players must be the same as after the word "land". The word "water" may be changed into "sea", "lake", "river", etc. The player who often mistakes is out.
And, here is another Construction party idea:
PROBLEM BURDEN: The players (2 of each team) are given 2 yardsticks and a board about 2' x 2' with a little flag attached on it. The players of each team stand hand in hand, holding their sticks parallel to the ground. On the sticks they put a board. They must carry this board to the agreed place. If the board falls down the players must pick it up and go on their way.
Boys love to build and create at a Construction party. Legos, trains, and other building toys set out on big tables will keep the kid having lots of fun. Construction hard hats personalized are cute party favors for a Construction theme party.
A theme party featuring Construction with party games altered to fit the Construction party
makes the event stay tied together. Go here for Construction Party Supplies.
Construction Party Supplies
come in colorful themes with a nice selection of Construction
Decorations. Put the yellow hard hats on and get out the trucks to bring in the construction theme party together.
Get ideas for Construction Party
to create a magical time at your event. Have personalized party favors to
make the memory lasting. Construction Party Supplies
include pinatas, favors, centerpieces and more clever types Construction Party
Theme Ideas.
Construction Coloring Pages
Seasonal Party Games:
Halloween Party Games